03h55: Collison.
04H10: Capt de Lange, OC of ‘PK’ and Senior Officer commanding the naval exercise inspects the ship. She is now beginning to list heavily and it becomes clear she cannot be saved despite strenuous efforts of the crew. The order to abandon ship is given.
04h35: The ‘PK’ sinks in 3000m of water, and disappears off the PP’s radar screen.
05h29: The Tafelberg has sealed off the damaged bow and remains at sea to assist with the rescue, eventually picking up 64 men.
05h55: Silvermine confirms 30 men have already been picked up.
06h00: A team at Silvermine start calling relatives to inform them of the disaster.
06h20: A Shackleton from 35 Squadron and two 30 Squadron Super Frelon helicopters arrive over the area to help search for survivors.
06h30: Two tugs, the Wolraad Woltemade and the Causeway Adventurer are already on their way to the scene.
07h00: Chief of the SADF release a press statement.
111h00: Two injured men arrive by helicopter at Wynberg Military base, and land on the athletics field, which has been cordoned off by Cape Corps soldiers. They are taken to the Wynberg Military hospital.
13h00: 110 survivors are listed on the ‘PP’ and 67 on the Tafelberg. The search continues.
20h30: The Chief of the SADF, Constand Viljoen, addresses the relatives gathered at Simonstown Naval Base, and reads a letter from the Prime Minister, PW Botha.
21h03: SAS President Pretorius arrives in Simonstown with 110 survivors, who are bussed to a hall where they are given clean clothing, food and R50.
21h33 The Tafelberg arrives with 67 survivors.
21h45 Captain de Lange and Commander Myers arrive by Navy car at the hall before the rest of the crew arrives, and are greeting by Constand Viljoen, Chief of the SADF, and other officers.
These officers and men break out into spontaneous applause when the rest of the survivors enter the hall.